Environmental Responsibility


Environmental Responsibility

The Challenge

Climate change is the biggest danger facing humankind and is an existential threat for millions of people. Even in 2023 we have yet to put ourselves on a pathway that will preserve our planet, our people, our plants and species as we know it.

We recognise that we, along with other businesses, consumers and governments, have to radically change the ways in which we live and work in order to achieve the sharp reductions in carbon emissions that are needed.

We call on every player in the food industry around the world to do their utmost to develop and deploy new ways that will allow our planet to flourish once again.

Net Zero

We commit to be net zero in our own emissions (scopes 1 & 2) by 2030. We commit to be net zero across our full supply chain (scopes 1, 2 & 3) by 2040.

Furthermore, we commit to reducing our emissions per tonne of product sold by 50% by 2030 and by 90% by 2040. As part of this, we also commit to the science-based carbon initiative.

In stating our net zero targets, we pledge to work tirelessly and innovatively in order to find the means to produce and transport our food production with zero or fractional emissions.

Key in this process are the availability of renewable energies and freight transport developments, including reliable rail capacity and renewable power for road freight. We will work closely with our partners in the supply chain to achieve this.

Offsetting and Carbon Neutrality

Carbon neutral is about offsetting an organisation’s carbon emissions.

Unfortunately, offsets often relate to carbon absorption over a number of future years while the emissions are causing immediate damage to the planet. It is widely recognised that being carbon neutral is not enough: we have to reduce our actual emissions.

That is not to say that offsets are not valuable in and of themselves. In particular, we need to develop our offset understanding in order to evaluate which methods are the most worthwhile and should be scaled up.

In the last two years Golden Acre has undertaken a number of exciting offset projects with mangrove nurseries, coastal protection, oyster beds and tree planting.

Organisational GHG Footprint 2023

View our latest Statement of Verification

Emissions Scope

Scope 1
Scope 2 location based
Scope 2 market based
Scope 3

Emissions (tCO2e)


For context our previous scope 3 was only based on 1 category, business travel.  We have now calculated our emissions across 7 key categories:

Purchased goods & services

Fuel & energy related activities

Upstream transportation & distribution


Business travel (inc hotels)

Employee commuting

Downstream transportation & distribution

Emissions Scope

Our 2023 GHG emissions

Our 2023 emissions were calculated following the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard using the operational control approach to ensure an accurate account of our GHG and energy reporting. We worked with environmental consultancy, Mabbett to verify our calculations which were confirmed to be within 0.2% accuracy. This is an important step in our net zero journey as we continue to plan and implement strategies to reduce, remove and offset our carbon emissions.

Our Partnerships

Golden Acre are proud to partner with 4 environmental charities who are leading the way when it comes to regeneration, conservation, climate research and carbon offset.

Find out more about their work.

The Ocean Foundation

The Ocean Foundation are dedicated to reversing the trend of destruction of ocean environments around the world.

Trees For Cities

Trees for Cities are the only UK charity working at a national and international scale to improve lives by planting trees in cities.

Blue Marine Foundation

Blue Marine’s mission is to see at least 30% of the world’s ocean under effective protection by 2030 and the other 70% managed in a responsible way.

Woodland Trust

Founded in 1972, The Woodland Trust are the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity. Their vision is a world where woods and trees thrive for people and nature.